Friday, April 8, 2011

So, you think you might want to write an ISearch Paper instead?

If you do, here are two links that might help you.

I've prepared this handout to help you along the way and to explain what this assignment entails.

I've also found this chapter of this textbook online. It's a great resource and contains sample papers, directions, and a whole host of other stuff.

Lastly, here is another example of the I-Search Paper. It was written collaboratively by John Nazzarett and Drew Wiatrowski.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Research Paper

Your Task:  Write a 5-7 page research paper in which you develop a thesis that is the answer to your research question, using outside sources and documenting them according to MLA rules. 

Now that you’ve developed your research questions (essential question and supporting questions), it is time to get down to the research.  Your job over the next four weeks is to research your questions using multiple sources.  After you’ve created your answer you must form a thesis and then develop your argument throughout the paper.   
We’ll be using Noodletools as our organizer for this paper.  You will be using the notecard function to gather your information, the outline function to structure your paper, and the bibliography function to assemble your Works Cited page.  Your paper will be composed using Google Docs and then printed by the due date.
You may request that I read and provide feedback at any time during the research process.   
Due Date: Friday, April 29th